Welcome to Trudy's Fund Raising page

UPDATE from the States

Grant and Trudy have been in the States for over a week now. Trudy has started treatment and within a few hours of her getting her first injection there was an amazing improvement! Her symptoms have greatly decreased. For further information an email from Grant can be seen at Piccolos cafe in Feilding.

Trudy and Grant waiting at the airport before heading to the States for treatment.


To view the photogallery of the fund raising dinner, click below...

Link to Photogallery on Facebook


Local Feilding woman Trudy Lawton nee Openshaw is in need of urgent medical treatment.

Trudy has suffered her second stroke at age 47. She has Moyamoya disease. She is high risk of having another stroke. Trudy lives with chronic pain. She finds it difficult to communicate, her mobility has been affected. Trudy was assessed with a 54% impairment of lifestyle. This treatment in the USA is to improve her quality of life.

The treatment in the USA is a controversial injection. This injection has given amazing results. A link to this treatment is found here.

We understand the side effects and that it may not work. We believe there is a lot to gain and a chance for a better life. We need to take every opportunity available.

If you would like to help Trudy get treatment we have set up a bank account number and donations can be made to the following account:

Trudy Lawton Charity Fund.
060217 0403070 00

Or at the "givealittle" web site

Give a little Charity donations link





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